Sunday, 8 April 2018

Limericks and a silly poem for a contest

I stopped at five limericks. had a little contest so I entered with spontaneously composed verse. All my poems are really spur of the moment offspring.These are the 8th and 9th entries for April. The pressure is on to keep writing poems so my novel is on the back burner!

There was an old woman, a poet?
Wrote limericks and did not know it,
But looked round the bend
For an adequate end.
Her condition might be ammocoete!

Friday, 6 April 2018

Procrastination is the thief of time

I dedicate this poem to the class teacher who misinterpreted my talking as heckling and commanded me to do the above after school, when I could have been playing the piano, or tennis, or writing a poem. The stupid phrase-scribbling activity not only wasted time, but also ink. I was not one jot better for doing this stunt. The sadistic teacher had the joy of tearing up my long procrastinating list (of 99 lines!). It was his own procrastination. He could have been doing something useful, and so could I. I don’t regret that wasted time, however. It taught me how to procrastinate! The quote is from David Copperfield, the novel by Charles Dickens. To quote myself, I would say that there is almost no subject that does not adapt itself to satire!

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Sartorial bloomers

This is the 5th of 30 new poems written for the  30 days of April. I'm afraid it's silly again. I seem to be into silly versing at the moment. I made up the title when writing a mail and it spired me to write a poem about it. I might even do a sequel tomorrow.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Shakespeare’s characters said some of it!

The satirist in me was spurred on by a crossword clue in the April 3rd Guardian quick crossword (the first quote). I had fun writing it though the result is clearly excruciating rather than edifying or even inspiring! I make no apologies! Some days nonsense is the only thing left that makes sense.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018


An entry on the QI website inspired me, mainly because of that wonderful name, of which I will only use the first part in the verse to avoid any kind of reference to the personality and incidence that inspired me.

Monday, 2 April 2018


I have just written to a friend. The note contains arguments she made to me regarding a continuation of a chorus I had been directing and was still working for and with 12 years after officially retiring from work. I was getting more and more upset by poor attendance and the apparent inability of members to prepare themselves for rehearsals in any way, even by reading through the lyrics a couple of times, let alone being abole to do anything musical on their own. There was bad blood among the members, some of whom had pushed others out so that the chorus was getting smaller,

Sunday, 1 April 2018

April Showers

It's a long time since I wrote any poetry and ten months since I wrote anything in this blog, but I hope I have enough creative energy to get through April on a challenge from this website (opens to my channel) to write a poem every day this month. I'm starting now, with little idea as to how to carry on, but at least today's date offers some inspiration.

Let's try!