Thursday, 5 April 2018

Sartorial bloomers

This is the 5th of 30 new poems written for the  30 days of April. I'm afraid it's silly again. I seem to be into silly versing at the moment. I made up the title when writing a mail and it spired me to write a poem about it. I might even do a sequel tomorrow.

Sartorial bloomers

I know what you’re thinking
But you’ve got it wrong.
It is springtime again,
Shops must sell for a song
All the wintery wear that they’ve hoarded, not flogged
At exorbitant prices, so I go along.

Parked along with the others,
The hunters are we,
Right on track for a bargain,
Basic instincts are free.
We must feather our nests
And coat-hangers with glee.

Do I need orange blouses
That weren’t in demand
When the world was in sweaters.
They look second hand.
I quickly ignore them,
Orange blouses are banned.

What is nice about shopping is that it is spring,
And all nature is donning new clothes.
So it’s only natural and human, of course,
That we plight once again all our trothes
To available mirrors in flattering light,
In which nothing negative shows.

All the birds have new feathers,
Cats and dogs summer furs
So this shopper is certain
To join the chasseurs
Of the bargain for now,
Or for later that always occurs.

After summer and spring,
When the finds of last year
Find a wearer in me
A year later. Oh dear,
I have three orange blouses.
All bargains, I fear.